We invite you to come and worship with us. Please introduce yourself as a guest to our usher and pastor and sign the red care card in the pew racks. Ushers will collect the cards during the offering.

Worship time is 9 a.m. every Sunday, with Bible Study and Sunday School at 10:15 a.m.

What’s a service like?

Services lean toward traditional worship that is characteristic of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.  There is a variety of liturgies (formats) that are used. Most liturgies are drawn from the Lutheran Service Book (LSB), a hymnal of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Services are normally an hour in length.  Holy Communion is offered the first and third Sunday of each month. A bulletin, with the printed order of service and scripture readings, is available to each person.

What’s the music like?

The organ is the chief instrument. Music consists of traditional hymns from the hymnal (Lutheran Service Book).

How do people dress?

There is a variety of dress. There are those in suits and dresses, others in more relaxed attire including blue jeans and shorts, depending on the season.

What about my kids?

Children are an important population in our congregation. The sound of children is evidence of a congregation that is alive – a true family. Some services include a special children’s message. If you find it necessary to leave the sanctuary for a time with your child, the Small Chapel is available to you and is equipped with speakers to hear the service.

We also have Sunday school on Sunday at 10:15 a.m. for children age 3 and up. 

Can I take communion?

Our congregation practices “Closed Communion.” This is an historic practice that is found in many Christian denominations. In essence, those who are members of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod are welcome to participate in Holy Communion.  For those who are not, it is best to make an appointment with the pastor to discuss our practice.

You may refer to Christian Questions with Their Answers (located in the pew racks) for those preparing to receive Holy Communion. The same information is available in the Lutheran Service Book, pages 329-330. 

Where do I park?

Our parking lot is located off East College Avenue on the west side of the church. See the map below.

What if I have difficulty hearing?

We offer listening assistance receivers. Ask an usher for assistance.

Our Location