October 20

Salem PTL is selling 2025 St. Louis Cardinals wall calendars again this fall. They are selling for $20.00 each this year. Anyone interested in ordering any let Paula know in the office or any of the Salem students.

In our LEAP Account the goal is to keep $15,000 there so we would have at least three payments ahead. Right now, the account is around the $8000 balance. Please first pray and then if so, led by the Holy Spirit consider contributing to the LEAP Account.

There will be a joint Reformation Service on Thursday, October 31, at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church at 7 p.m. Please plan on joining us.

October 6

Salem Lutheran has an elderly couple looking to find someone willing to do some light housekeeping duties. They are having issues keeping up with everything. If you would like to find out more, please let the office know.

Salem Lutheran is collecting a LCMS Disaster Relief offering for victims in need. If you want like to contribute, please put your donation in the basket at the back of the church. We will be collecting donations until October 27.

It is hard to believe but it is almost time for our Third Annual Trunk or Treat event! It will be on Sunday, October 27, from 4:30-6pm. Set up starts at 3pm. This is a BIG community event to show off our school. We need YOUR help! Can you decorate a “Trunk/Booth” in the gym? (table provided if needed) The theme this year is: Night at the Movies. Each area should be decorated with a movie theme (nothing really scary) and provide an activity or candy for the kiddos. We are also looking for someone to run the face painting area. Food trucks will be on hand for dinner and treats as well. Please call the office and let them know your theme.

September 8

Like to sing? Join the choir! Count to 3 or 4? Join the handbell choir! Bruce Engebrecht, musical director, is planning a special service for Dec. 29 that would include the congregation, choir and handbells. It’s also possible to sing or ring on Thanksgiving Eve, during Advent and on Christmas Eve. If you want to sing or ring, contact Bruce at church or call 217-886-2009.

Respect Life Sunday is Sunday, Oct. 6. All pro-lifers are asked to gather by the ferris wheel in Community Park, corner of Main and Morton, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Bring a lawn chair.

September 1

The Lutherans for Life nut sale starts Sept. 15 and runs through Oct. 13. Order forms will be available soon. Contact Ruth Werries, Karen Engebrecht or Karen Tomhave for more information or watch the bulletin.

Save the date: Saturday, Oct. 5, is the Octoberfest at Trinity Lutheran, Arenzville.

The LWML Fally Rally is Sept. 11 at St. John’s Beardstown. Contact Elaine Jarman for details.

Doorbell Dinners: Salem’s next assigned week is Sept. 2-6. Call Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017, to volunteer.

August 25

There’s still time to the Ladies Guild as they collect supplies for the school year. A collection box, with a list of needed items, is in the narthex.

Meeting and training for Altar Guild is 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 3.

Camp Cilca’s 26th Annual Chicken Dinner is 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 1.

August 18

Pastor Schultz is starting a weekly bible study on Wednesdays at 5:15 p.m. with fellowship followed by the bible study from 6-7 p.m. The first date is September 4. You are welcome to bring your dinner. The bible study will be on the Gospel of Mark.

August 11

Back to School Night is tomorrow, 5-7 p.m. in the cafeteria. See the classrooms, visit with the Paw Patrol characters and meet the teachers. Ice cream sundaes, root beer floats and sorbet as treats!

Swaddling Clothes Back to School Shopping Day is tomorrow, 4-7 p.m.

Lutherans for Life is hosting a State Conference on Aug. 24 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Eureka. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending. Information and registration forms are in the narthex.

August 4

Swaddling Clothes work day is Tuesday, August 6. Please contact Linda Strubbe if you can help, 217-886-2025.

St. John’s Bath Fish Fry is 4:30-7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 7. All proceeds benefit Swaddling Clothes at Salem!

July 28

We are looking for volunteers to assist with after school care. Hours are Monday-Thursday, 3-5:30 p.m. and Friday, 1-5:30 p.m. If you volunteer, you will play, monitor and enjoy the company of the children. In addition, we need a volunteer or part-time aide for the 2K program. Hours for the aide are Tuesday and Thursday, 8-11 a.m. Please contact our principal, Joy, if you can help or you know someone who may be interested in these positions.

Ladies Guild is collecting school supplies during August. A list of items and collection box is in the narthex.

July 21

We are looking for volunteers to assist with after school care. Hours are Monday-Thursday, 3-5:30 p.m. and Friday, 1-5:30 p.m. If you volunteer, you will play, monitor and enjoy the company of the children. Please contact our principal, Joy, if you want to volunteer and need more information.

Lend a hand to the Property Committee as they spread new rubber mulch on the playground at 5 p.m. on Friday, July 26.

Salem Lutheran School Back-to-School Open House is 5-7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 12.

We are receiving bids to replace our 30-year-old air conditioner system. Please consider donating to the cause.

July 7

We need volunteers for the Salem booth at the Morgan County Fair, July 9-14. Two shifts are available, 4-7 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. If you want to join us, please put your name on the sign up sheet in the narthex.

The social media/marketing account for Salem Lutheran School is over budget. Would you prayerfully consider a donation to help this account? Direct your contributions to Paula in the church office.

June 30

Now that we have arrived in Jacksonville, we are looking for a second “used” car. If you have a lead on a good, used car, please contact me at the church.

–Pastor Schultz

We need volunteers for the Salem booth at the Morgan County Fair, July 9-14. Two shifts are available, 4-7 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. If you want to join us, please put your name on the sign up sheet in the narthex.

June 23

Thank you dear saints of Salem for your love, support and assistance with our family’s move. What a joy it was to be ordained and installed as your new pastor. You are an answer to my family’s many prayers, and we are thankful the Lord has called me to serve you.

–Pastor Schultz, Mary and Stephen

The Zone #7 Lutheran Layman’s League annual ice cream social is 4:30-6:30 p.m. next Sunday, June 30, in the Cafeteria. Menu includes brats, chips, homemade ice cream, pie and cake.

Swaddling Clothes is seeking volunteers to assist with their shopping days by packaging diapers, displaying donated or purchased items and preparing for shopping days. Can you help? Contact Deaconess Linda Strubbe.

June 9

The installation service for pastor-elect Jonah Shultz will be at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 16, in the church sanctuary. A dinner, catered by Hamilton’s, will follow the service. Please plan to attend as we officially welcome our new pastor.

The Ladies Guild is having an ingathering for the St. Louis Seminary food bank during June. Envelopes and a donation box are in the narthex. Place your donation in the box or drop off in the church office by June 30. Seminary students appreciate your generous gifts!

June 2

There will be a congregational voter’s meeting at 11 a.m. (following Pastor Brechbuhl’s reception) on Sunday, June 9, in the church sanctuary. Topic of the meeting is the future of grades 6-8 at Salem Lutheran School.

May 26

Because of your generous support, Swaddling Clothes has raised the $10,000 matching funds required to receive the LCMS Million Dollar Life Matching Grant. Thanks to everyone who made a monetary donation.

There are availabilities to sponsor the radio broadcast ($85) or altar flowers ($35) for each Sunday service. Altar flower sign up sheet is in the hallway between the church and school. Call the church office if you want to sponsor the radio broadcast.

The Ladies Guild is having an ingathering for the St. Louis Seminary food bank during June. On June 2, you will find envelopes and a donation box in the narthex. Place your donation in the box or drop off in the church office by June 30. Seminary students appreciate your generous gifts!

We are honoring Pastor Brechbuhl for his time as vacancy pastor with a card shower and reception on Sunday, June 9. There will be a basket in the narthex to drop off your cards and you are invited to the reception in the cafeteria following worship.

From principal Reitsma: Thanks to everyone who attended and support the school’s Fine Arts Festival! We are blessed to have your support, love and participation. We are looking forward to summer to rest up and get ready for the new year.

May 19

Salem’s Swaddling Clothes program has been chosen to receive $10,000 from the 2024 LCMS Million Dollar Life Matching Grant, but the congregation must match the $10,000 by Monday, May 20. Please prayerfully consider a donation. Donations are accepted in the church office.

The installation service for our new pastor, Jonah Schultz, is 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 16 in the sanctuary. Please mark your calendar.

We are honoring Pastor Brechbuhl for his time as vacancy pastor with a card shower and reception on Sunday, June 9. There will be a basket in the narthex to drop off your cards and you are invited to the reception in the cafeteria following worship.

Congratulations to our Salem graduates: Phoenix Dertz and Alex Baker.

May 12

The LCMS Million Dollar Matching Grant has ended for Swaddling Clothes and they now need our help. Swaddling Clothes is seeking donations of diapers, wipes, infant/toddler clothing and monetary donations. Swaddling Clothes will host a shopping day on Tuesday, May 14. Contact the church office if you want to assist with the shopping day or make a donation.

May 5

Our new pastor, Jonah Schultz; his wife, Mary; and son, Stephen, visited Salem on Saturday, May 4, to meet with the elders, principal and business manager. Following the meetings, the Ladies Guild hosted a luncheon that also included the Call Committee.

Mark your calendar: The installation service is scheduled for Sunday, June 16. Time to be announced soon.

Join the Steinacher’s as they host a church and school cookout on Saturday, May 18, beginning at 4 p.m. Their home is located at 2629 Woodson Franklin Road in Franklin. Please bring a dish to chair and a lawn chair. Table service is provided. Menu includes sloppy joes, hot dogs, brats and chips.

Salem Lutheran School has two graduates this year: Phoenix Dertz and Alex Baker. The graduation ceremony will be during the Sunday, May 19, service.

April 28

Celebrate! At the Call Day Service on April 23, candidate Jonah Schultz was assigned by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, to Salem. Jonah and his wife, Mary, are the parents of a four-year-old son. They plan to visit Salem before May graduation. Welcome cards may be sent to: Seminarian Jonah Schultz, 17 Founders Way, Unit C, St. Louis, MO 63105.

April 14

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Annual Spring Festival and Auction on Saturday, April 13. Proceeds are still being tabulated. Watch for more updates coming soon.

The 2024 Illinois March for Life is at 1 p.m. this Wednesday, April 17, in Springfield. Salem will toll its bell 56 times at 1 p.m. on April 17, mourning the loss of 65,000 lives to abortion in Illinois.

The LWML Convention is April 26-27 at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Rockford. See Elaine Jarman or Jane Henderson for registration information.

April 7

The Annual Spring Festival is Saturday, April 13, 4-6 p.m. in the cafeteria and gym. There will be an auction, Let’s Make a Deal and spaghetti dinner (includes garlic bread and dessert). Click here to view the online auction. Be sure to check out the auction projects from the Salem School students in the auction. The online auction ends at 7:30 p.m. on April 13.

The 2024 Illinois March for Life is at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, in Springfield. Salem will toll its bell 56 times at 1 p.m. on April 17, mourning the loss of 65,000 lives to abortion in Illinois.

The LWML Convention is April 26-27 at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Rockford. See Elaine Jarman or Jane Henderson for registration information.

March 31

The Annual Spring Festival is Saturday, April 13, 4-6 p.m. in the cafeteria and gym. There will be an auction, Let’s Make a Deal and spaghetti dinner (includes garlic bread and dessert). Click here to view the online auction. The online auction ends at 7:30 p.m. on April 13.

If you can help with Doorbell Dinners, please call Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017. Salem is assigned the weeks of April 1-5 and April 29-May 3.

March 17

If you want to purchase an Easter lily, please contact the church office, 217-243-3419.

If you can help with Doorbell Dinners this spring, please call Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017. Salem is assigned the weeks of April 1-5 and April 29-May 3.

Easter breakfast will be served 7-9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall before the Easter worship service. Menu includes biscuits and gravy, sausage, egg casserole and pastries. If you want to donate pastries, please bring them to the Fellowship Hall. Drinks have been donated.

March 10

If you want to purchase an Easter lily, please contact the church office, 217-243-3419.

The next Ladies Guild meeting is 3 p.m. on Monday, March 18, at the church.

March 3

Next Saturday, March 9, is the LLL’s Convention at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Altamont. Doors at 8 a.m., convention at 9 a.m. Registration is $25 which includes lunch. Registration forms are in the narthex. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler from The Lutheran Hour.

If you can help with Doorbell Dinners this spring, please call Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017. Salem is assigned the weeks of April 1-5 and April 29-May 3.

Easter breakfast will be served 7-9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall before the Easter worship service. Menu includes biscuits and gravy, sausage, egg casserole and pastries. If you want to donate pastries, please bring them to the Fellowship Hall. Drinks have been donated.

February 25

If you can help with Doorbell Dinners this spring, please call Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017. Salem is assigned the weeks of April 1-5 and April 29-May 3.

Check your basements, garages and storage sheds to see if you have anything you wish to donate to Salem’s Spring Festival Auction. If you have something to donate, call David Hannel, 217-492-0722.

February 18

Handbell practice begins today at 6 p.m. and continues every Sunday at 6 p.m. through March 17. The Handbell choir will perform during the Palm Sunday and Easter worship services.

February 11

Congregational Voters Meeting is next Sunday, Feb. 18, following the worship service. Please plan to attend.

February 4

During February, the Ladies Guild asks the congregation to join with them in gathering items for Swaddling Clothes. They need diapers, wipes, pull-ups, baby wash, 2T-5T clothing (new or gently used), socks and underwear. For your convenience, a shopping list is attached to the drop box in the narthex.

The Cookie Walk in December raised $2,456.25. The Ladies Guild will donate $600 to the Orphan Grain Train, Jacksonville Food Center, Swaddling Clothes and Salem Adopt-A-Student.

Handbell practice begins Feb. 18 at 6 p.m. and continues every Sunday at 6 p.m. through March 17. The Handbell choir will perform during the Palm Sunday and Easter worship services.

Congregational Voters Meeting is Sunday, Feb. 18, following the worship service. Please plan to attend.

January 21

We are looking for committees or members to assist with the Lenten suppers this year. Dates for Feb. 14, 21 28 and March 6, 13 and 20. Meal times are 5:30-6:30 p.m. Please contact the church office if you can provide a meal.

Work continues on our Capital Campaign. We are now at a LEAP balance of $540,475. Our goal is the be under $500,000 in the next 1-2 months. Serve the Lord with gladness and consider helping us reduce our debt.

Ladies Guild meeting postponed to Monday, Jan 22, at 3 p.m.

January 7

At the December 31 Congregational Voters Meeting, the congregation voted to extend a pastoral call to a seminary candidate. Candidates will be assigned in late April 2024.

The board of Elders recently elected officers for the 2024 year: Kevin Eckhoff, chairman; Paul Reither, vice-chairman; Danny Magelitz, treasurer; and Rodney Dolen, secretary.

Can you help clean snow from the church sidewalks? Please contact David Hannel, 217-491-0722.

The Evangelism committee needs Sunday greeters. Greeters should arrive by 8:30 a.m. If you can help, contact Paul Reither, 217-248-0550.

December 24

Please attend the Congregational Voters Meeting next Sunday following the 9 a.m. service. The Pastoral Call Committee will present their recommendation for next steps.

There are still nuts available from Lutherans for Life. Contact Ruth Werries, 217-473-6736, if you are interested.

If you can help remove snow from the church sidewalks, please contact David Hannel, 217-491-0722.

The Christmas Friendship Bible Class has been moved to 6 p.m. on January 3.

The Circuit Epiphany Service is 10 a.m. on Jan. 6 at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Beardstown.

The 2024 offering envelopes are on the table in the narthex. They are in alphabetical order. Please don’t use the envelopes until 2024. If you don’t find your envelopes, please call the church office.

December 3

From Mike Krause, chair of the Call Committee: Rev. Meyer called me tonight and declined our call. He was complimentary of Salem and said we did everything right and that it was a difficult decision to make but that he felt the Lord telling him he had more to do at his present congregation. Thank you for all your help and prayers. The Call Committee will meet this Wednesday at 6 p.m. Please continue to pray that the Lord’s will be done and that he brings the right pastor to us.

The 2024 offering envelopes are on the table in the narthex. They are in alphabetical order. Please don’t use the envelopes until 2024. If you don’t find your envelopes, please call the church office.

The 2023 Advent booklets are in the narthex. Please take one.

November 11

Election of the Elders for the coming year was held last Sunday. Newly-elected elders include Paul Reither, Dennis Jarman, John Tomhave and Mike Krause.

The Evangelism Committee is seeking volunteers to be greeters before the Sunday morning worship. Volunteers will need to arrive by 8:30 a.m. If you can help, please contact Paul Reither, 217-248-0550.

November 4

Please join us as we welcome Rev. Ryan Meyer and his wife, Catherine, as they visit Salem on Tuesday, November 7, to consider our call to serve as pastor. The meet and greet runs from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Cafeteria.

The annual Cookie Walk is Friday, December 1, from 3-5 p.m. in the Cafeteria. Please consider donating a couple of dozen cookies, your favorite cake or pie or maybe your special homemade candy to the event. Call Elaine Jarman, 217-473-1503, if you want to make a donation.

Doorbell Dinner volunteers are needed for the week of December 4-8. Please call Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017, if you are willing to help. Volunteers pick up dinners at Jacksonville Memorial Hospital at 11:10 a.m. Delivery is typically completed by 12:45 p.m.

October 22

At today’s Congregational Voter’s Meeting, the congregation voted to extend a call to the Rev. Ryan Meyer from St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, St. Peter, IL. Please keep Rev. Ryan in your prayers as he considers this call.

Doorbell Dinner volunteers are needed for the week of December 4-8. Please call Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017, if you are willing to help. Volunteers pick up dinners at Jacksonville Memorial Hospital at 11:10 a.m. Delivery is typically completed by 12:45 p.m.

October 15

Please plan to attend the next Congregational Voter’s Meeting at 10:15 a.m. (following worship) on Sunday, Oct. 22. The purpose of the meeting is to call a new pastor. The biographies of the candidates are available for review in the church office.

The Evangelism Committee is seeking volunteers to be greeters before the Sunday morning worship. Volunteers will need to arrive by 8:30 a.m. If you can help, please contact Paul Reither, 217-248-0550.

The Jacksonville Circuit Reformation Service is 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 31, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Bluffs. For more details, text Pastor Brian Lesemann, 309-256-6514, or email [email protected].

October 1

Please plan to attend the next Congregational Voter’s Meeting at 10:15 a.m. (following worship) on Sunday, Oct. 22. The purpose of the meeting is to call a new pastor.

The next Friendship Bible Class is Monday, Oct. 9, at 6:30 p.m. here at Salem.

September 24

LWML Sunday is Oct. 1. Ladies, please bring your mite boxes to the service.

Zone 7 of the Lutheran Layman’s League will host Oktoberfest on Saturday, Oct. 7, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Arenzville. Proceeds benefit the radio ministry. Menu includes bratwurst, German potato salad, sauerkraut, red cabbage, root beer, pie and cake.

St. John’s Lutheran in rural Bath will host a German meal on Monday, Oct. 9, to help support the deaf ministry in the Central Illinois district and at Christ for the Deaf Lutheran Church in Jacksonville. The Google address is 13961 E CR 1100N, Bath, IL 62617). Menu inclues schnitzel, spaetzle, bratwurst, German potato salad, sauerkraut and root beer.

The Lutherans for Life annual Nut Sale is underway. Click here to download the order form. Return the completed form, along with your payment, to the church office. Proceeds benefit the local chapter of Lutherans for Life.

September 10

The Lutherans for Life annual Nut Sale is underway. Click here to download the order form. Return the completed form, along with your payment, to the church office. Proceeds benefit the local chapter of Lutherans for Life.

Help serve at Salem! We are in need of members to serve on various church committees. There is always something YOU can do to help. Contact David Hannel if you can devote your time and talents to ministry at Salem.

Be sure to check the calendar to see and participate in many upcoming events, including Friendship Bible Study, Oktoberfest, Pack the House at Leo’s, Swaddling Clothes, LFL Nut Sale, and more! Click here to view the calendar.

August 25

The Lutherans for Life annual Nut Sale is underway. Click here to download the order form. Return the completed form, along with your payment, to the church office. Proceeds benefit the local chapter of Lutherans for Life.

August 13

The next Congregational Voter’s Meeting is Sunday, August 27, at 10:30 a.m. in the church sanctuary. The Call Committee will have three recommendation to bring before the congregation. Please stop by the church office prior to the meeting to review the biographies of each candidate.

August 6

Rev. Philip Rigdon has returned the call to serve as pastor. The Call Committee is scheduled to meet Aug. 9 to plan next steps.

The school is looking for a good compact refrigerator. If you have one and would like to donate, please contact principal Joy Reitsma.

Want to help with our radio ministry? See Kevin Eckhoff, 217-473-0767, if you can contribute one Sunday a month to engineer/record the service. If you think you might be interested, you are welcome to observe during the service.

July 28

There will be no more Saturday evening services after July 29 due to availability of guest preachers. This change is temporary.

Paula Roach, our church and school secretary, is off on Fridays during the summer. She will also have a limited schedule during the rest of the week. Please call first if you plan to come in to the office.

July 17

The Voter’s Assembly elected to call Rev. Philip Rigdon to serve as the next pastor at Salem. Rev. Rigdon presently serves at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Kendalville, Indiana. Call documents will be sent this week.

The Voter’s Assembly also voted to suspend the Saturday evening worship service, effective in August, until a new pastor arrives.

July 16

Voter’s Assembly is today at 1:30 p.m. in the church sanctuary. Please plan to attend as we will vote to call a new pastor to serve Salem.

Save the date: Friday, July 28, for a pork chop and sweet corn dinner from 5-7 p.m. in the cafeteria. Menu includes butterfly pork chop, sweet corn, baked beans, applesauce and desserts. Carry-outs will be available. The dinner will serve as a fundraiser for the school. A free will offering will be accepted.

July 3

The next Voter’s Assembly Meeting is 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 16, in the church sanctuary. The purpose of the meeting is to extend a call to a pastor to serve here at Salem. Please stop by the church office to review information on the three candidates.

Save the date: Friday, July 28, for a pork chop and sweet corn dinner from 5-7 p.m. in the cafeteria. The dinner will serve as a fundraiser for the school. More details coming soon.

Salem Church and School will have a booth at this year’s Morgan County Fair. Please call the church office if you can volunteer for a shift.

A school workday is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, July 22, to help prepare the school for the 2023-24 school year.

The Ladies Guild will have their annual Ladies Day Out at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, July 17, at the Village Tea Room, 3301 Robbins Road, Springfield. All women of the congregation are invited to attend. Call or text Vickie Austin, 217-361-9423, if you want to attend.

Salem has Doorbell Dinners, September 4-8. Call Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017, if you can assist.

June 24

LLL Ice Cream Social is 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 25, in the cafeteria. Menu includes ice cream, brats, chips, pie, cake and drinks. Proceeds support our radio broadcasts and materials for county fair booths.

Salem Church and School will have a booth at this year’s Morgan County Fair. Please call the church office if you can volunteer for a shift.

A school workday is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, July 22, to help prepare the school for the 2023-24 school year.

Salem has Doorbell Dinners, September 4-8. Call Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017, if you can assist.

The Ladies Guild will have their annual Ladies Day Out at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, July 17, at the Village Tea Room, 3301 Robbins Road, Springfield. All women of the congregation are invited to attend. Call or text Vickie Austin, 217-361-9423, if you want to attend.

June 11

Rev. Michael Meyer has declined the call to serve as pastor. The Call Committee will be meeting soon to determine next steps.

June 4

Congregational voter’s meeting today at 1:30 p.m. in the church sanctuary.

Free books from the school are available in the narthex. These are books that have been withdrawn from the school library.

LLL Ice Cream Social is 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 25, in the cafeteria. Menu includes ice cream, brats, chips, pie, cake and drinks. Proceeds support our radio broadcasts and materials for county fair booths.

Paula Roach, our church and school secretary, is off on Fridays during the summer. She will also have a limited schedule during the rest of the week. Please call first if you plan to come in to the office.

May 20

The Rev. Michael Meyer, who currently serves as manager of LCMS Disaster Response, will visit Salem this Wednesday, May 24. Please pray for Rev. Meyer as he considers his call to Salem.

The Camp CILCA 39th annual Memorial Day hog roast is Sunday, May 28, following the 10:30 a.m. outdoor chapel service. Cost is $10 for adults and $8 for children.

May 14, 2023

This morning at the congregational meeting, the members of Salem voted to extend a call to the Rev. Michael Meyer from St. Louis. Rev. Meyer currently serves as manager of LCMS Disaster Response. Please pray for Rev. Meyer as he considers his call to Salem.

Please join us for the Acension Day service at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 18.

Next Sunday, May 21, is the church/school potluck at the Steinacher’s, 2629 Woodson Franklin Road in Franklin. Come any time after 3 p.m. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. The main dish, table service and drinks will be provided. Please bring a dish to share and your lawn chair. Questions? Call 217-370-0581.

May 7, 2023

There will be a congregational meeting next Sunday, May 14, at 10:30 a.m. to extend a call to a new pastor. Please plan to attend.

Congratulations to our new confirmands: Jack Bezler, Phoenix Dertz, Millie Schumacher and Kelly Turner.

Save the date: Sunday, May 21, is the next church/school potluck at the Steinacher’s, 2629 Woodson Franklin Road in Franklin. Come any time after 3 p.m. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. The main dish, table service and drinks will be provided. Please bring a dish to share and your lawn chair. Questions? Call 217-370-0581.

May 5, 2023

Rev. Adam Steinbrenner has informed us that he has declined his call to Salem. The Call Committee will meet next week to plan next steps. Please pray for Salem as we continue to work through the call process.

April 23, 2023

The congregation has extended a call to Rev. Adam Steinbrenner. Please pray for Rev. Steinbrenner as he considers his call to serve Salem.

The window replacement project is complete! Thank you to all who contributed to this project.

Salem is responsible for Doorbell Dinner delivery, May 1-5. Call Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017, if you can assist.

Confirmation Sunday is May 7. This year we have 4 confirmands. Jack Bezler, Phoenix Dertz, Millie Schumacher and Kelly Turner.

Summer Camp begins May 30. Click here to learn more and to register.

April 16, 2023

The congregational voter’s meeting to extend a pastoral call is today at 10:30 a.m. following the 9 a.m. worship service.

Donations for the replacement windows project stand at $12,117.50. The total cost is $23,000. Please consider donating to this project.

The annual Salem fundraiser auction is underway. Click here to review and bid on the auction items. Bidding ends April 29.

Save the date: Sunday, May 21, is the next church/school potluck at the Steinacher’s, 2629 Woodson Franklin Road in Franklin. Come any time after 3 p.m. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. The main dish, table service and drinks will be provided. Please bring a dish to share and your lawn chair.

April 9, 2023

Rev. Nathan Janssen has declined the call to serve at Salem. A congregational voter’s meeting is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 16, in the church sanctuary, to determine the next steps. Please stop by the church office to review the bios on the three call candidates.

Lutheran Witness renewals are due by April 23. Cost is $19.20. Renew or start a new subscription by visiting the church office.

The annual Salem fundraiser auction is underway. Click here to review and bid on the auction items. Bidding ends April 29.

March 18, 2023

Rev. Nathan Janssen and his wife, Donna, will visit Salem Sunday, March 19, and Monday, March 20. All members are encouraged to attend a meet and greet from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sunday, March 19, in the Annex. Refreshments will be served. Let’s give Rev. Janssen and his wife a big Salem welcome!

Jayden Upton will be headed home soon! He enjoys receiving cards. His address is Jayden Upton, 8615 Ridge Wood Road, Rock Island, IL 61201.

Easter breakfast is April 9. If you want to donate food items, such as sweets, milk, juice, etc., please have your donations in by Saturday, April 8. The tentative menu includes biscuits and gravy, sausage and pancakes. The breakfast begins following the service.

March 12, 2023

Salem School’s 3rd Annual Fundraiser starts April 5. Bidding ends April 29. An in person event with the theme, “Let’s Make a Deal,” is 4 to 7 p.m. on April 29. Live auction items will also be included. Drop off your donations in the church office.

Easter flowers this year will be lilies. Cost is $15 each. Orders are due by March 26. Contact the church office to order.

Please consider donating some of your time to assist with Doorbell Dinner delivery, April 3-7. Contact Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017, if you want to help.

March 5, 2023

Rev. Nathan Janssen called Pastor Brechbuhl this past week for about 30 minutes and indicated he was prayerfully considering Salem’s call. Rev. Janssen plans on visiting Salem sometime in mid-March.

Larry and Retha Vincent are celebrating their 80th birthdays in February and March. Their children are hosting an Open House at the Jacksonville Elks Club, 231 Morgan Street, from 2 to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 18. The congregation is invited to attend. No gifts, please.

Please consider donating some of your time to assist with Doorbell Dinner delivery, April 3-7. Contact Rita Tendick, 217-473-5017, if you want to help.

It’s time for the remainder of the windows in the Annex to be replaced. Cost is $23,000. To date, we have received $10,340.50. We ask that you consider making a contribution to help pay the costs.

February 26, 2023

At the February 19 congregational voter’s meeting, the congregation voted to call Rev. Nathan Janssen to be the next pastor at Salem. Rev. Janssen currently serves as pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Martinsville, Indiana. All paperwork has been sent and we ask the Holy Spirit to give Rev. Janssen his wisdom as he prayerfully considers our call.

It’s time for the remainder of the windows in the Annex to be replaced. Cost is $23,000. We ask that you consider making a contribution to help pay the costs.

Salem Lutheran School is selling pizzas through March 10. Delivery is the second week of April. Find a student with an order form or stop by the office. Order forms will also be available in the narthex.

If you wish to contribute to the Jayden Upton Fund, please send your donations to Shelley Hannant, 863 W. Chambers, Jacksonville. If you want to send a card to Jayden, the address is Jayden Upton, in care of Jacey Upton, 929 Ryan Court, Iowa City, IA 52246.

February 20, 2023

At the February 19 congregational voter’s meeting, the congregation voted to call Rev. Nathan Janssen to be the next pastor at Salem. Rev. Janssen currently serves as pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Martinsville, Indiana.

January 29, 2023

February Voter’s Meeting

The February congregational voter’s meeting is very important to attend. The Call Committee has three names of candidates to be discussed and possibly issue a call. Registered voters can come to the office to view their information. Please try and make time to view their information before the February 19 meeting. The voter’s meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.

January 23, 2023

PTL Fundraiser

Planning a Super Bowl Party? Salem PTL has your snacks covered! They are selling a variety of dips and dippers to add to your menu. Order forms are available in the Narthex or church office. All orders are due by February 1. For questions, please contact Christina Antemate, 217-371-0442.

Ladies Guild-February Project

February in gathering this year will be donations for Swaddling Clothing.Items needed: clothes; diapers, size 3-5; Pullups 2t, 4t; baby bath; baby lotion; 2t-5t clothing (new or gently used); socks 6 month to 5t; toddler shoes. Place all donations in the Swaddling Clothes box in the narthex.

Easter Breakfast April 9

We are planning an Easter Breakfast on Sunday, April 9. If you want to donate items such as sweets, milk, juice, please have your donations in by noon on Saturday, April 8. Planned menu includes biscuits and gravy, sausage and pancakes and other items to be determined.

January 15, 2023

Ladies Guild Meeting

The Ladies Guild meeting will be Monday, January 16, at 3 p.m., in the Annex.

Pack the House Coming January 19Come socialize with your Salem family at Leo’s Pizza every third Thursday of the month. Mention Salem while dining in or carrying out and Salem receives 15 percent of all sales for the night.

Meet the Church Family

Wednesday, January 25, is Meet the Church Family for National Lutheran Schools Week. Have time to spend with our children? Play games, share a talent or craft? Call the office, 217-243-3419, if you can help.

Chili Cook Off

Have a great chili recipe? Enter our Chili Cook Off on Wednesday, January 26, from 5 to 9 p.m. Call the office with the name of your entry.

January 8, 2023

Ladies Guild Meeting

The Ladies Guild meeting will be Monday, January 16, at 3 p.m., in the Annex.

Pack the House Coming January 19

Come socialize with your Salem family at Leo’s Pizza every third Thursday of the month. Mention Salem while dining in or carrying out and Salem receives 15 percent of all sales for the night.

January 1, 2023

January 8 Adult Sunday School-Special Presentation

Ken and Marilyn Boehs will present a slide show and video of their trip this past fall to the Holy Land on Sunday, January 8, following the 9 a.m. service. The presentation will be in the church sanctuary.

Swaddling Clothes Update

Swaddling Clothes will open January 10. The program is now accepting donations of baby clothes (boys), diapers, wipes and any other baby care items. Volunteers are also needed. Please contact Linda Strubbe with any questions, or if you want to volunteer.

December 24, 2022

Show Your Support for Life!

Life Sunday is January 22, 2023, and the Illinois Valley Lutherans for Life will once again sponsor the signature page in the Journal-Courier. If you want to proclaim your support for the sanctity of human life, please send your name and phone number to Illinois Valley Lutherans for Life, P. O. Box 911, Jacksonville, IL 62650. Deadline is January 17. You may also contact Jeanne Strubbe at [email protected] or 217-408-8896 for more information. Cost is $5 per name.

Church/School Office Closed

The church/school office will be closed periodically Dec. 26-Jan. 2. Please call before stopping by to ensure someone is in the office. If you call and no one answers, please leave a message and Paula will get back to you as soon as possible.

December 17, 2022

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who so generously contributed with baked goods, treats and time to the Cookie Walk. Proceeds will be divided among four groups: Orphan Grain Train, Salem’s Adopt-a-Student program, Jacksonville Salvation Army and Salem Church/School maintenance.

Come Early to Christmas Eve Service

Come early for a Christmas Music Prelude at 5:45 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 24, just prior to the 6 p.m. worship service.

Swaddling Clothes

We are now accepting donations! Donations may include diapers, wipes and any monetary contributions. Please contact Linda Strubbe with any questions.

December 4, 2022


This Christmas season, we are offering a 6-inch poinsettia from All Occasions Flowers and Gifts. Price is $23.40. All orders need to be submitted by Monday, Dec. 12. Please remit payment with your order. Poinsettias will be delivered and placed on the altar on Dec. 21 and can be taken home after the Christmas Day service.

Advent Books

The 2022 Advent books are available in the narthex. Please take one.

Swaddling Clothes

We are now accepting donations! Donations may include diapers, wipes and any monetary contributions. Please contact Linda Strubbe with any questions.

Tendick Anniversary Reception

Randy and Rita Tendick celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Dec. 2. Their family is hosting a reception from 2-4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 17, in the Annex. The congregation is invited to attend. No gifts, please.

Christmas Eve Service

Come early for a Christmas Music Prelude at 5:45 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 24, just prior to the 6 p.m. worship service.

Salem Families in Need

We have several families with children in our school who need tuition assistance. If you want to help, please put your donation in an envelope marked “Salem Families in Need” and place in the offering plate or bring it to the office.